Can You Feed Watermelon to Horses
We all love watermelons, and our horses are not immune to the taste of this fruit neither. Watermelons are not only tasty but healthy as well, in moderate amounts.
However, there are some cases when you should avoid feeding watermelon to your horse, as it can cause significant problems. If your horse suffers from any of the following issues, make sure it does not get its teeth on watermelon or any similar fruit.
1. Dental problems
There are many dental problems a horse can suffer, and some can be severe conditions. When it comes to feeding watermelon to your horse, not all are dangerous. Horses that are unable to chew their food correctly may not be able to effectively chew a piece of watermelon, especially if it has any rind on it.
The most important is that your horse can safely chew watermelon parts, mostly rind, and seeds. Watermelon is a soft fruit full of water, and it should not be a problem even to old horses, with most of their teeth missing, as long as they do not have to bite through hard watermelon skin.
To prevent choking hazards, you should cut up the watermelon into small pieces that are easy for horses to swallow. You should avoid feeding watermelon rind to any horses with dental issues due to their limited chewing abilities.
2. Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
Horses that suffer from hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP) need to stay away from watermelons.
Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP or Hyper KPP) is a genetic disorder that occurs in horses, also known as "Impressive syndrome," after an index case in a horse named Impressive.
HYPP is an inherited autosomal dominant disorder that affects sodium channels in muscle cells and the ability to regulate potassium levels in the blood. It is characterized by muscle hyperexcitability or weakness, which, exacerbated by potassium, heat, or cold, can lead to uncontrolled shaking followed by paralysis.
Equine hyperkalemic periodic paralysis occurs in 1 in 50 Quarter Horses, and it leads back to a single ancestor, a stallion named Impressive.
This inherited disease is characterized by violent muscle twitching and substantial muscle weakness or paralysis among affected horses. HYPP is a dominant genetic disorder.
Horses with HYPP can be treated with some possibility of reducing clinical signs, but the degree that medical treatment helps varies from horse to horse. There is no cure, and it can lead to death. Horses with HYPP often lose muscle control during an attack.
Some horses are more affected by the disease than others, and some attacks will be more severe than others, even on the same horse. HYPP attacks occur randomly and can strike a horse standing calmly in a stable just as quickly as during exercise.
If your horse shows any of the following signs, call a vet immediately:
- Muscle trembling
- Prolapse of the third eyelid (it means that the third eyelid flickers across the eye or covers more of the eye than normal)
- Generalized weakness
- Weakness in the hind end (the horse may look as though it is "dog-sitting")
- Complete collapse
- Abnormal whinny (because the muscles of the voicebox are affected as well as other muscles)
HYPP causes horses to suffer severely debilitating episodes when they eat foods that contain potassium.
Watermelon has a moderate amount of potassium, so you should never feed it to any horse that suffers from HYPP.
3. Insulin resistance
Horses that suffer from insulin resistance should also not eat watermelon because it contains sugar.
Insulin resistance (IR) is a pathological condition in which cells fail to respond normally to the hormone insulin.
Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose to enter cells, which also reduces blood glucose (blood sugar). The pancreas releases insulin in response to carbohydrates consumed in the diet. In states of insulin resistance, the same amount of insulin does not have the same effect on glucose transport and blood sugar levels.
There are many causes of insulin resistance, and the underlying process is still not completely understood. Risk factors for insulin resistance include obesity, sedentary lifestyle, family history of diabetes, various health conditions, and certain medications. Insulin resistance is considered a component of the metabolic syndrome. There are multiple ways to measure insulin resistance such as fasting insulin levels or glucose tolerance tests
Insulin dysregulation is commonly seen in horses with EMS and is associated with obesity. This is similar to type II diabetes in humans, where the action of insulin is impaired, despite often elevated concentrations. It is of interest primarily because of its link to laminitis.
Horses with EMS will have an increased insulin response after they are given oral sugars, which will cause a subsequent rise in blood insulin levels or hyperinsulinemia. Hyperinsulinemia results in decreased tissue sensitivity to insulin, or insulin resistance, especially by the skeletal muscle, liver, and adipose tissue. Tissue insulin resistance causes increased insulin secretion, which perpetuates the cycle.
There does appear to be a strong link between decreased insulin sensitivity in obese animals; however, it is unknown which syndrome is the cause and which is the result.
Keep in mind that two cups of watermelon contain about 20 grams of sugar, so it is not safe for horses with insulin resistance.
Healthy horses can eat watermelons
Unless your horse suffers from health problems, it is safe to feed it watermelon in moderation.
Most horses enjoy eating treats, and fruits and vegetables that we love can also be healthy treat alternatives for horses. In moderate amounts, watermelon can be an excellent snack option for a healthy horse.
Can horses eat watermelon? Horses can eat watermelons, and your horse will probably love it. Keep in mind that as with any treats, you need to incorporate watermelon in a regular horse diet, and not feed it as a replacement. Quantities of treats should always be limited.
Watermelon nutrition facts
Calories | 30 |
Total Fat | 0.2 g |
Cholesterol | 0 mg |
Sodium | 1 mg |
Potassium | 112 mg |
Total Carbohydrate | 8 g |
Fiber | 0.4 g |
Sugar | 6 g |
Protein | 0.6 g |
Vitamin A | 11 % |
Vitamin C | 13 % |
Iron | 1 % |
Magnesium | 2 % |
Watermelons not only taste good, but they are also very healthy for most horses. Water is an essential ingredient for almost every living being, including horses, and watermelons are full of it. Over 90 % of watermelon is water.
Watermelon is also low in sodium and contains high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium. Watermelons contain fiber, which is the central part of a horse's diet (about 50 % of horse diet should be fiber), as it helps a horse's digestive system to function efficiently.
Watermelon provides the amino acid citrulline. Citrulline converts to arginine in the horse's body. Arginine is used to produce nitric oxide used to relax blood vessels and increases blood flow to particular areas.
Can horses eat watermelon rind?
Horses can eat watermelon rinds, and they provide beneficial vitamins and amino acids. Before feeding watermelon rind to your horse, always wash it first to any remove pesticides and other contaminants. As with watermelon itself, keep rinds intake at low levels for your horse.
The watermelon rind contains a higher concentration of potassium and fiber than the inside of the watermelon has, which makes it a little healthier for horses. The rind is, however, is harder to chew, so it is best if you cut it into small pieces.
Can horses eat watermelon seeds?
Watermelon seeds are okay for horses to eat, as long as it is fed in moderation. Providing limited amounts of watermelon to your horse will also reduce seed intake.
Keep in mind that you should never feed watermelon seeds to a horse by themselves. Some owners even prefer to feed watermelons to horses without the seeds. Many horse owners feed watermelons with seeds, and their horses usually do not have any issues.
Before you feed watermelon to your horse
- Like with any treats, including watermelon, you should feed it in moderation to avoid digestive problems.
- Only feed small pieces of watermelon to your horse to prevent choking, especially if your horse cannot use his teeth adequately.
- Wash the rind. If your horse enjoys the watermelon skin, wash it before feeding to remove any toxicants. The outer layer of all fruit can contain a lot of chemicals, and some can be very dangerous if digested.
- Never feed watermelon treats to horses with HYPP or horses who suffer from insulin resistance.
Just like humans, horses are not immune to sweet treats, and watermelon is an excellent fruit for hot summer days. While watermelons are safe for most horses, keep in mind that there are problems and condition which require special diets for your equine friend.
If you have any doubts about your horse's health condition, call a vet.
Sometimes you might not know if your horse has any problems. If this is the case, do not rush with any new food. Give your horse a small amount of watermelon and observe its overall state and behavior. If you see any suspicious change, consult with a vet immediately. However, chances are your horse will be able to eat watermelon without any problems, and soon it will only ask for more.
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